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Melbourne’s automotive industry’s new C19 normal.

DABAS Blog – The Melbourne automotive industry’s new C19 normal.

Hello Readers, the well-publicised recent easing of metro Melbourne C19 restrictions was very welcome news to all, including the entire associated automotive industry. As the whole of Victoria moves from stay-home measures and restrictions to a new stay-safe C19 prevention plan “normal”, this means there are no longer restrictions on the reasons to leave home.

You can now test drive that new car or late-model used car in person, if desired. This is fantastic news to car enthusiasts and motorists alike, as Melbourne’s LMCT caryards and all associated automotive businesses have been able to reopen again, with no limits on the work performed, provided a C19-safe plan is in place and being adhered to.

It is great to have these new freedoms, but it is important to remain vigilant. Continuing to follow C19-safe principles, to prevent future outbreaks, is imperative. This includes following physical distancing, wearing a suitable fitted mask when/where you are required to do so and practising good hygiene, patience, and common sense when distancing in potentially crowded areas.

You can rest assured, knowing these principles apply to automotive businesses too. Including DABAS, everyone from your local mechanic, panel beater and mobile detailer to your favourite brand’s new or used LMCT dealership’s car-yard is committed to putting safety first, so you can now be a confident customer.

Measures in the automotive industry include a mandatory C19-safe plan; some LMCT yards have contactless arrangements for processes such as vehicle payment, pick-up, and drop-off, as well as comprehensive record-keeping and employee training in policies and procedures to ensure their C19-safe plan is adhered to. If you are unsure, DABAS can ask your preferred LMCT dealer what C19-safe plan practices they have in place, *on your behalf, for your peace of mind (*once your stage one account is fully established).

So, Melbourne’s strict stage-4 C19 lockdown restrictions are lifted – and hopefully behind us forever, relegated to the history books; a potential Australian C19 vaccine is in the pipeline for possibly April 2021; the new-normal C19 precautions are in place; our favourite regional road-trip tourist accommodation, attractions, and locations including Victorian beaches and their warming waters are opening “fully” once again, just in time for the official summer of 2020-21. Domestic state borders have also removed the rings of steel, now allowing us all to catch up with family – even the long drive to children and family in WA! Certainly, a great Xmas 2020 is around the corner. Considering all the above, and the automotive industry being open for business again, it could be just the time for a new car.

When the time comes to buy a MY20-2021 brand-new car or recent late-model used-car – for your summer 2020/21 regional Victorian road-trip getaway – in now, post- C19 lockdown Melbourne, DABAS knows that buying a car to suit your needs can be one of the biggest purchases in your life. DABAS offers flexible personal assistance to clients on their car-buying journeys tailored to suit their individual budgetary needs.

DABAS services can be delivered in a vast variety of ways, including – but not limited to – phone consultation/s, zoom meetings, research emails, research links, LMCT yard email link referrals, face-to-face meetings at a caryard/s, in the cafe at an LMCT caryard or at the café of a leading Melbourne automotive auction house; even in your home if required. The choice is totally yours pending personal needs and the urgency timelines of being behind the wheel of your next car.

DABAS services are offered flexibly, as stages in a journey. You pick at what stage of your journey you may need DABAS’s assistance: maybe the full journey, or just vehicle selection/clarification, or maybe just providing a car-yard buffer zone and help with the yard process.

We hope this “general-in-nature information” page has provided some useful information to assist in your vehicle search. By clicking on DABAS’s blog index link here you may find some guidance for your personal car-buying journey. The included highlighted links on this page may also provide other information that assists in selecting a suitable vehicle for your car-buying needs.

Please note any examples, options, pricing, and information mentioned in our blog pages is to be considered as a very general-in-nature summary.

 Whatever roads your life journey takes you on, DABAS can help you find a car to travel those roads

Have a great day, Cheers, Tim.

Please note our disclaimer, as clients have individually tailored needs and stages on their DABAS automotive-buying journey, information mentioned on this – and all – DABAS blog pages is to be considered as a general-in-nature summary. Any vehicle pricing on our pages is general in nature and can be discussed and clarified – if needed – relevant to the timeframe and date stamp of your transition to becoming a client of DABAS.

DABAS: specialising in personal service and drive-away brand-new or used car deals.

Buying a car? Confused with the process? YOU don’t know where to start? Do YOU need help? DABAS can help YOU – with one of our personally tailored car-buying advocacy services we can put a third-party buffer zone between you and the car yard. With one of DABAS's face-to-face car-buying assistance packages, we can help YOU buy your next car cheaper, wiser, less stress whilst saving money! We come to you, face to face consultations, servicing the inner Melbourne and metro region. Whatever roads your lifestyle journey takes you on, DABAS can help you find a car to travel those roads. Please contact DABAS If we can be of assistance in your car-buying journey, for some helpful tips and information scroll to the DABAS blog post’s below, Thanks for visiting; have a great day, Tim